
Culture Articles

The wisdom of the growers

Here are a number of breif articles on the care and feeding of orchids. There is also information on pest control. These articles are mostly for the beginner.

The Significance of Orchid Potting Mix The growing materials required for the orchids are very diverse from the other plants such as vegetables or trees. Rather than organic composts or soils, orchid plants require a suitable blend of aerating materials as well as water retaining materials..

How To Care For Orchids Don't know how to care for orchids? Follow the advice in this caring for orchids article and you could soon be the proud owner of a healthy and thriving orchid.

Proper Orchid Care A majority of orchids are rewarding indoor plants. Once you have bought your first orchid or have received one as a gift, there are steps to take in order to maintain persistent flowering. Orchids are much stronger and resilient than a majority of people believe, and are, commonly, tremendously adaptable..

Growing Orchids Isn't As Hard As You Think - A Primer For Beginners Growing orchids is fun and addictive once you learn a few key points about these lovely plants. Here are few tips on raising your first orchid successfully.

Three Common Orchid Diseases There are many common orchid diseases that can cause serious harm to your beautiful plant. You should check your orchids once a week so that you will notice any problems early. Let's take a look at some of the most common orchid diseases.

Five Common Orchid Pests Insects and their relatives cause most of the problems for orchid growers. Some of them can even transmit diseases from one plant to another.

What Is The Significance of Orchid Bark? Orchids are considered to be the best effervescent flowers that are seen in broad variety of shapes and colors. In order to successfully grow the orchids, an orchid grower needs to fulfill few criteria for the maximum blooming of the flower. It is very essential to stick to the pre-requisites, since orchids are regarded to be very finicky flowers that demands huge attention and care.

Three Types of Orchid Pots There are three common types of orchid pots. They include plastic, terracotta, and basket. The best type of pot for you depends on the potting mix, type of orchid, and location that you're growing the plant.
Everything You Need to Know About Orchid Fertilizer A quick primer on the basics of fertilizing your orchid at home. This article gives a solid explanation of macronutients, micronutrients, plus thoughts on Disease, application and various types of fertizers.

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